Park Holme retro
The best thing about this home is the dog kennel painted on the side fence complete with dogs! It also looks like an authentic Hill’s hoist.
Here’s the 3-dimensional dog kennel:
And another view of the Hill’s hoist:
Built in 1969, this one-owner home has quite neutral, conventional wallpaper throughout with only three wallpaper patterns and not much variation on the floor furnishings.
The kitchen is in very well preserved 1969/1970s style:
To complete the viewing, there is the lavender bathroom with terrazzo flooring but no wallpaper:
This very dog-friendly house sold in July 2014 for a yet undisclosed amount. Online photos from Ray White real estate agent. Please drop me a line if you lived in this house or took the photos. I just wish to promote retro suburban dreaming and showcase the beautiful homes and unique designs which are rapidly becoming a style of the past as the original owners pass away or move into retirement homes.